Chapter 10 (A sense of repose through the renunciation of craving) Verse 6
राज्यं सुताः कलत्राणि शरीराणि सुखानि च ।
संसक्तस्यापि नष्टानि तव जन्मनि जन्मनि ॥ १०-६॥
राज्यम् सुताः कलत्राणि शरीराणि सुखानि च ।
rājyam sutāḥ kalatrāṇi śarīrāṇi sukhāni ca ।
संसक्तस्य अपि नष्टानि तव जन्मनि जन्मनि ॥ १०-६॥
saṃsaktasya api naṣṭāni tava janmani janmani ॥ 10-6॥
Dominions, dynasties, descendants, spouses,
corporeal bodies, luxuries and such transitory
phenomena have been lost to your being
and could not have been owned by you;
you were conditioned to be attached to them
and tried to cling to them birth after birth.
rājyam (राज्यम्) = dominion/dynasty/kingdom
sutāḥ (सुताः) = progeny (literal translation = sons)
kalatrāṇi (कलत्राणि) = spouses (literal translation = wives)
śarīrāṇi (शरीराणि) = corporeal bodies
sukhāni (सुखानि) = amenity/luxury/comforts
ca (च) = and ।
saṃsaktasya (संसक्तस्य) = attached dependently/yoked
api (अपि) = even
naṣṭāni (नष्टानि) = perished/wasted/lost
tava (तव) = of you
janmani janmani (जन्मनि जन्मनि) = birth after birth ॥ 10-6॥
This verse has a direct reference to the idea of reincarnation and my humble opinion being that one might be able to read meaning into these lines even if one does not subscribe to the notion of reincarnation. There does not seem to be any unified clarity nor scientific understanding of rebirth from one life to another and I aver that we almost certainly can’t know anything about rebirth.
While the erstwhile formulations around rebirth involved and implied the presence of a soul that purportedly transmigrated from one physical body to another, the seeker is better served by the understanding that instead of an abiding, enduring soul, the sentient human (during their sojourn on this planet) acts more like a vessel that collects within themselves the ever-morphing cultural phenomena, truths, teachings, learnings and other lessons. This presents us with two possible choices; the first being the idea that all of the knowledge collected and wisdom (or ineptitude) garnered is incorporated and concretized within an enduring self and that self now moves to a new body after the death of the original. The second alternative being that reincarnation is simply the transmission of patterns, conveying of habits, transferring of mores and passing of values from one generation to the next. While the former (the illusion of an enduring self) does not have basis and is not tenable (as we have seen in this poem earlier), the latter - transmission of mores and a recurrence of shared patterns - can be thought of as the only plausible interpretation of reincarnation.
What we know for certain is that when we eventually die (and that is the one fact that we can be sure of), the only truth that can be posited and considered tenable is that the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements that constitute our bodies will be recycled into creatures sentient and artifacts non-sentient; we scatter as disparate components and merge back into this planet (and the universe at large) to be recycled over and over again. In this sense, one remains humbly transformed by this eventuality; indeed, we find intrinsic acceptance of the concept of reincarnation within this understanding.
Ultimately, designations like rebirth and reincarnation are concepts created by our peoples insofar as it relates to our past and our vain hope to be delivered intact into an unknown future - another form of clinging - this particular type of clinging apparently formulated by our self-models to somehow transcend impermanence and death. The seeker that strives to reach beyond such self-identification with the past grant to themselves the innate freedom to develop a mindset of clarity and harmony. The alternative is to remain in bleak doubt on the cusp between clarity in being and confusion in non-being.
In closing, it can be understood that reincarnation or rebirth isn’t something that happens to us after we die. We are transformed every second, dependent on multiple interlinked conditions that make our continued existence possible. Rebirth is something that happens to us every instant of every day.
Monday, February 10, 2020
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AVG 15.6
Chapter 15 (A Celebration of the Seekers Native Self): Verse 6 सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि । विज्ञाय निरहंकारो निर्ममस्त्वं सुख...
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