Chapter 11 (Coherence on a choiceless witnessing of happenings) Verse 6
नाहं देहो न मे देहो बोधोऽहमिति निश्चयी ।
कैवल्यं इव सम्प्राप्तो न स्मरत्यकृतं कृतम् ॥ ११-६॥
I am not this body nor is this body of me.
I am pure awareness. One who is
established in this unperturbed state
does not rely on nor remember what has
been done nor brood over what has
been left undone. Predicated beyond such
action and inertia lies that state of beatitude.
न अहम् देहः न मे देहः बोधः अहम् इति निश्चयी ।
na aham dehaḥ na me dehaḥ bodhaḥ aham iti niścayī ।
कैवल्यम् इव सम्प्राप्तः न स्मरति अकृतम् कृतम् ॥ ११-६॥
kaivalyam iva samprāptaḥ na smarati akṛtam kṛtam ॥ 11-6॥
na (न) = not
aham (अहम्) = I
dehaḥ (देहः) = body
na (न) = not
me (मे) = of me
dehaḥ (देहः) = body
bodhaḥ (बोधः) = awareness
aham (अहम्) = I
iti (इति) = thus
niścayī (निश्चयी) = one who has known for certain ।
kaivalyam (कैवल्यम्) = beatitude/detachment from all worldly connected/state of pure awareness
iva (इव) = as if/like
samprāptaḥ (सम्प्राप्तः) = attained
na (न) = not
smarati (स्मरति) = remembers/recalls
akṛtam (अकृतम्) = what is not done
kṛtam (कृतम्) = what is done ॥ 11-6॥
This verse rich with meaning and interpretation boils down to our sense of entangled identification with material entities that surround us - these entities can take the form of possessions that one has obsessively garnered or take the form of our own ideas of a concrete self that seems to abide and dictate our outlook. Ashtavakra mentions that those who have transcended this entanglement find a sense of repose within the awareness that rises innately.
Even in this seeking, it is understood that one need not hurry the course of getting there. As one gets there, one does not need to have a sense of apprehension about what comes ahead. Self awareness comes from introspection and all the quietude and sense of progress gained by constantly measuring progress is no progress at all. Things will come to be as the awareness slowly rises above the constant flurry of muddled thoughts that entangle the seekers mind. Being constantly aware of oneself and the moment within is all that is necessary for moving forward.
In the process of moving forward, one will encounter various waypoints along the journey. Some of these waypoints serve to remind while others serve to reverberate ancient truths that have stood the test of time. One of the waypoints that both reverberate as well as remind is the concept of forgiveness. You see, if one needs to get rid of the associations that bind, perceiving the sanity behind someone who is designated as 'separate or unlike or dissimilar' and an unconditional acceptance of the other is the only way to understand someone and the associations thereof. The designations and judgments we assign and label are ultimately self judgments because the true nature of our awareness as well as our minds is non-dual. True awareness tends to see anything and everything as an extension of itself - awareness. Therefore it is understood that the aspect of partial judgment or biased outlook that seekers tend to apply towards another sentient being is a biased and a partial judgment against oneself. Thus, in judging oneself, it is understood that one is indulging in an act that profoundly destroys any sense of thought-stillness cultivated hitherto, and (extending this line of thinking), our actions in judging and pigeon-holing others is also, likewise, an act that rebounds towards ourselves with equal momentum and profoundly destroys any our own sense of equanimity.
In that sense, perceiving someone as what they are not and perceiving their faults as real only destroys one's own sense of identity and equanimity. Bestowing onto oneself the liberty to see the universe around them as guiltless and to walk within that sense of equanimity that follows will allow for the realization to dawn on the seeker that biased judgments and conditioned choices performed consciously or unconsciously is an exercise in futility as one only manages to judge oneself in the exact same manner; on the flip side, with the awareness that comes with not judging anyone as mistaken or guilty or wayward, it becomes impossible to judge oneself.
In that sense, the model that we follow insofar as it comes to forgiveness not only works for the other, but also allows for your own stilling and freedom from the worrying illusion that you have been harmed. All of the worrying illusions (like the one mentioned above where one seems to think that they have been wronged and hence cannot seem to forgive) and other like “things" only exists within our minds. Concepts and designations and suppositions of this nature does not and cannot exist outside of the mind. This will beg the question that follows - whether there is an 'outside' of the mind. And my humble understanding would be that maybe there is something ‘outside’, but, one would first need to require for something ‘within the mind’ - a place where thoughts are unnecessarily generated for us to understand that there is an ‘out there’ - in other words, we create the realities for ourselves out there based upon what we perceive to be the reality.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
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AVG 15.6
Chapter 15 (A Celebration of the Seekers Native Self): Verse 6 सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि । विज्ञाय निरहंकारो निर्ममस्त्वं सुख...
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