देहाभिमानपाशेन चिरं बद्धोऽसि पुत्रक ।
बोधोऽहं ज्ञानखंगेन तन्निकृत्य सुखी भव ॥ १-१४॥
My dear, from
ancient timesyou have long been bound
within body-consciousness and
the exaltation of your 'self'.
Cut it to shreds with the sword
of intelligence; understanding
‘I’ as awareness; remain happy.
देह अभिमान पाशेन चिरम् बद्धः असि पुत्रक ।deha abhimāna pāśena ciram baddhaḥ asi putraka ।
बोधः अहम् ज्ञानखङ्गेन तत् निष्कृत्य सुखी भव ॥ १-१४॥
bodhaḥ aham jñānakhaṅgena tat niṣkṛtya sukhī bhava ॥ 1-14॥
deha (देह) = body/manifestation having the appearance of one’s
bodyabhimāna (अभिमान) = pride/exaltation and usurpation of self/haughtiness
pāśena (पाशेन) = by [means of] snare/chain/noose/fetter
ciram (चिरम्) = existing from an ancient time/for long
baddhaḥ (बद्धः) = bound/obstructed/fettered/suppressed
asi (असि) = you are
putraka (पुत्रक) = dear son/child/descendant ।
bodhaḥ (बोधः) = understanding/awakening/intelligence/blooming of consciousness
aham (अहम्) = I am
jñānakhaṅgena (ज्ञानखङ्गेन) = (compound of ज्ञान+खङ्गेन; ज्ञान = knowledge + खङ्गेन = by the means of a sword)
tat (तत् ) = that (reference as in that noose)
niṣkṛtya (निष्कृत्य) = hew asunder/cut/split to shreds
sukhī (सुखी) = happy
bhava (सुखी) = remain/be ॥ 1-14॥
The underlying
message here is about ‘letting go’ of the ego - to work to unfetter oneself
from the confined knots of the same. Letting go of anything that feeds one’s
own ego - pre-conceived notions, ideals, practices, modes of thinking and all
of the other ways that tend to draw attention to oneself (spontaneously or by
choice) is the goal here.Letting go does not mean that one morphs and becomes a whole new individual at the end of the process. Letting go is not to attain some abstract apex of self-perception made out in popular culture (images of frail old men starving themselves on mountain retreats looking for enlightenment come to mind). None of that.
The message is simple and straightforward. Your perception and understanding of a situation is a reflection of your underlying biases and a direct impression of the ego constantly at work reiterating its primacy through every interaction. Letting go of that comes through sheer practice and awareness of the moment - where you reach a place and recognize each time that the ego has yet again reared its narcissistic presence. Practicing a pattern of understanding that allows for your reaction and perceptions to simply be cognizant of the other person/entity/thing/sentient that you encounter in your connections is key. Constant practice to remain in this state of awareness can be cultivated within the individual leading to a distinct feeling of liberty. An awareness that combines not only the impartial observation of reality within, but, also impartial action on the part of the observer in working through the reality that we are constantly confronted with so that our tendency to nuance underlying truths situated within our partial points of view can eventually be discarded.
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