यदि देहं पृथक् कृत्य चिति विश्राम्य तिष्ठसि ।
अधुनैव सुखी शान्तो बन्धमुक्तो भविष्यसि ॥ १-४॥
अधुनैव सुखी शान्तो बन्धमुक्तो भविष्यसि ॥ १-४॥
यदि देहं पृथक् कृत्य चिति विश्राम्य तिष्ठसि ।
yadi dehaṃ pṛthak kṛtya citi viśrāmya tiṣṭhasi ।
अधुना एव सुखी शान्तः बन्धमुक्तः भविष्यसि ॥ १-४॥
adhunā eva sukhī śāntaḥ bandhamuktaḥ bhaviṣyasi ॥ 1-4॥
यदि देहं पृथक् कृत्य चिति विश्राम्य तिष्ठसि ।
yadi dehaṃ pṛthak kṛtya citi viśrāmya tiṣṭhasi ।
अधुना एव सुखी शान्तः बन्धमुक्तः भविष्यसि ॥ १-४॥
adhunā eva sukhī śāntaḥ bandhamuktaḥ bhaviṣyasi ॥ 1-4॥
यदि (if) देहं (body) पृथक् (separated/detached/discrete) कृत्य (was done) चिति (awareness/consciousness) विश्राम्य (resting/abiding/repose) तिष्ठसि ([you] remain steadfast)।
अधुना (now/this moment) एव (thus) सुखी (happy) शान्तः (peaceful) बन्धमुक्तः (liberation from bondage) भविष्यसि ([you] will be) ॥ १-४॥
यदि (if) देहं (body) पृथक् (separated/detached/discrete) कृत्य (was done) चिति (awareness/consciousness) विश्राम्य (resting/abiding/repose) तिष्ठसि ([you] remain steadfast)।
अधुना (now/this moment) एव (thus) सुखी (happy) शान्तः (peaceful) बन्धमुक्तः (liberation from bondage) भविष्यसि ([you] will be) ॥ १-४॥
Unfettered of conventional reality,
while remaining steadfast, and
in consonance with awareness,
you will, at once
be happy, peaceful
and free from constraints.
Unfettered of conventional reality,
while remaining steadfast, and
in consonance with awareness,
you will, at once
be happy, peaceful
and free from constraints.
Comments: The unrealistic expectations that are garnered with the identification with one's own or another's conventional reality leads to unhappiness, duress, and tension. Such expectations lead to possessiveness. Possessiveness in short order leads to attachment. The attachment and the consequential aspects of permanent essence that one starts to assign to the object of the attachment precipitates suffering. Free of such identification with conventional reality (in this case the example of the body is presented) in concert with steadfast intellect is a path to a happy and peaceful liberation. This does not mean that one should not participate in conventional reality. It is very much part of our waking lives. Just that one needs to be circumspect in the amount of permanency assigned to conventional reality.
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