Monday, October 21, 2019

AVG 1.19

Chapter 1 (Guidance on self-realization): Verse 19
यथैवादर्शमध्यस्थे रूपेऽन्तः परितस्तु सः
तथैवाऽस्मिञ्छरीरेऽन्तः परितः परमेश्वरः -१९॥

Just as the mirror exists
both within and without
the reflected image;
so too does the ultimate truth
exist both within and without
this body.

यथा एव आदर्शमध्यस्थे रूपे अन्तः परितः तु सः
yathā eva ādarśamadhyasthe rūpe anta parita tu sa
तथा एव अस्मिन् शरीरे अन्तः परितः परमेश्वरः -१९॥
tathā eva asmin śarīre anta parita parameśvara 1-19

yathā (यथा) = as (as in 'just as')
eva (एव) = just
ādarśamadhyasthe (आदर्शमध्यस्थे) = compound of ādarśa (आदर्श) meaning 'mirror' and madhyasthe (मध्यस्थे) meaning 'in the middle'; compound word taken together to mean 'conceived or established in the middle of the mirror'
rūpe (रूपे) = in the image
anta (अन्तः) = within/inside
parita (परितः) = the word itself means encompassed or surrounded, but in the context of the previous phrase anta (अन्तः), this is taken to mean 'without' or 'outside of'
tu (तु) = and
sa (सः) =  that (as in that mirror exists)
tathā (तथा) = and so
eva (एव) = just
asmin (अस्मिन्) = in this
śarīre (शरीरे) = body
anta (अन्तः) = inside
parita (परितः) = outside
parameśvara (परमेश्वरः) =  compound of param (परम) meaning 'ultimate' and eśvara (ईश्वरः) meaning 'best choice or boon [of a personal truth]'; the word parameśvara is taken together to mean 'the ultimate truth'. Please note that the root of the word eśvara comes from īś- (ईश, eś) which means "capable of" and "owner, ruler, chief of". The second part of the word eśvara is vara which means depending on context, "best, excellent, beautiful", "choice, wish, blessing, boon, gift", and "suitor, lover, one who solicits a girl in marriage". The composite word, eśvara literally means "best of choices [for oneself]", "elite of alternatives [for oneself]". As a concept, eśvara in ancient and medieval Sanskrit texts, variously means God, Supreme Being, Supreme Soul, lord, king or ruler, rich or wealthy man, god of love, deity Shiva, prince or husband. I take it here to mean 'the best of choices bestowed through introspection that one holds to be the ultimate personal truth' 1-19

These verses use the mirror as an analogy for the ultimate nature of things; just as the mirror exists notwithstanding an image reflected upon the mirror due to an entity being present in front of the mirror or the absence of any reflected image due to the entity absent from the mirror, so too does fundamental truths exist regardless of our cognizance or not. The obvious leading question then will be the nature of the fundamental truth alluded to here. Given that each one of us really have to discover that truth that ultimately gives us a measure of liberation, I will briefly describe my interpretation of the same here in reference to the lines above.

I occasionally read about advances in quantum mechanics and what strikes me as singularly amazing is the fact that matter is fundamentally empty all the way down to its very core – in fact, we talked a bit about this very fact just in the very last verse. Science has advanced sufficiently for us to understand that external reality as perceived by each of our sense receptors is only a simplified version of the true underlying reality. Even this simplified version is only a minuscule portion of a vast unfathomable reality that is perceived by our specific sense organs. Humans perceive less than 1% of the entire electro-magnetic and the acoustic spectrum. Color in the sense that we designate it so is due to the conical photoreceptors within our retinas. In fact for animals without these conical receptors, a rainbow does not ‘exist’. The atoms that originated within the belly of some distant supernova that constitute our bodies are 99.9999999999999999% empty space. Most of what we encounter in our daily lives is, at its core, empty space. Let me explain a tiny bit.

If one breaks down matter, we start to run into the individual constituent molecules that comprise matter. On further examination, it is seen that the molecules themselves are composed of atoms arranged in specific patterns and configurations held together by nuclear forces that act across extremely small distances. On performing experiments that are designed to split up atoms, one finds a dizzying array of sub-atomic particles; particles that are positively and negatively charged like electrons and protons and particles without any specific charge like neutrons. The protons and neutrons seem to be crammed together in tight embraces within the central nucleus of the atom while the electrons inhabit what are akin to fuzzy clouds in spherical orbit around the nucleus. It is said that if an atom were scaled up to  the size of the earth, the size of the nucleus will be equivalent to the diameter of a basketball at the center of the earth. All of the rest is empty space within the atom. Using the energies from the collision of elementary particles, we are now able to peer inside protons and electrons. The insides of the particles are stranger still;  one finds particles to be composed of ever smaller, indivisible entities called quarks. Scientists cannot seem to sub-divide quarks any further as it experimentally seen that the moment one puts in enough energy to break apart a quark, the additional energy used up in splitting the quark spontaneously creates another quark and so on ad infinitum. These elementary quarks themselves are vibrational fields of energy that ‘manifest as particles’ on observation. In other words, deep down, there is nothing but emptiness amidst vibrational energy fields. The manifestations of the particles and the fact that we perceive the particles as hard, golf ball like structures are nothing but interactions of energy fields in appropriate ways governed by certain fundamental constants that have remained sacrosanct since the birth of the universe.

In fact, one can say quite confidently that all of manifest reality within our ken of understanding and perception is nothing more than such inter-dependent arising of fields. The inter-dependent arising of fields to form particles, the interaction of particles to form matter, the arising of manifest matter to form structures as fine as the gnats wing to galactic mega-structures millions of lights years in size are all the result of associations and inter-dependent arising of entities interacting with each other. Nothing whatsoever can be found nor will exhibit nor will arise in a manifestation that has any form of inherent essence (clarified in the next couple of paragraphs below). All of reality arises in interaction and all of such reality in interaction dependently gives rise to entities and existents. The emptiness that we see at the very heart of matter is a useful example and a constant reminder of this fundamental fact. Therefore, from science, one confidently avers that the dependent arising of all manifest entities is inherently essenceless that is conventionally real but is ultimately empty.

I will use an example here to clarify the concept behind the words inherent essence as it is underpins all of our known interactional reality. In trying to find the inherent essence underlying the fundamental meaning of word ‘A’, let us say that I look up ‘A’ within the largest dictionary in the world containing all of the words as we have designated. When I get to the word, I find that the meaning of the word is given in terms of relationships between other words and concepts known to us - word A is like B, word A is unlike C, word A is a synonym with D etc. Digging deeper to understand the essence of the word, now I start to look up the essence behind words B, C and D in the same dictionary. Now I find that all of B, C and D are given in terms of an entirely new set of relations that might or might not be connected to A, but now include relational connections to others words E, F and G. I can continue this way ad nauseam and I still would not find the inherent essence behind the word A. While the word A is conventionally real (we use the word A in our daily lives and use A to describe the names and forms around us in terms of conceptual constructions, there is seen to be a distinct lack of an inherent essence underlying the word A - or, for that matter, with words B, C, D and E and so on and so forth).

This lack of inherent essence is called emptiness. Given that even the word ‘emptiness’ itself lacks an inherent essence and is only designated ‘empty’ contingent upon our conventions and classifications, one can thus safely say that emptiness is also empty. Following up on the ideas of impermanence, one also understands that in addition to impermanence, nothing in the universe can be conceptualized in isolation. Going back to the dictionary example, one can stretch the analogy to realize that assemblages of inherently empty words form sentences and assemblages of such sentences form a paragraph and collections of paragraphs for a story and so on and so forth. The conceptual idea that words are inherently empty, but, conventionally real and thus conditioned based upon our commonly agreed upon designations can therefore be extended to sentences, paragraphs and the story. Extending the analogy, one can scale upwards from stories to books to libraries to buildings housing these libraries to cities to countries to worlds to galactic structures; they are all the same - inherently devoid of essence but manifested based upon dependent assemblages of constituent portions that themselves do have any inherent existence but are conventionally real and are conventionally designated as such because they are seen to be conventionally present and felt by our senses.

Thus, nothing whatsoever in our waking lives is imbued with individual autonomy, nothing exists on its own, no existent entity is real in and of itself. This does not mean that things do not exist. They absolutely exist. Never construe these statements in a nihilistic manner. Everything exists dependent on an another thing(s). This dependency upon an another thing is not just for the things’ identification (as, let’s say a ‘person reading’ can only be designated as such with respect to dependencies like the verb ‘read’; or ‘reading fast’ can only be designated as such with respect to ‘reading slow’), but, also for the things’ existence (as, let’s say a ‘person reading’ can only exist as such with respect to mutual assemblages of dependencies like ‘body’, ‘limbs’, ‘muscles’, ‘brain’, ‘eyes’, ‘reflexes’ etc.).  Thus, nothing in the universe can be conceptualized in isolation. Nothing has an inherent self-essence - from quarks to protons to souls to consciousness to supreme beings. Everything in the universe is conceptualized (in terms of its dependency and association with other entities) and designated (based upon our contingent classifications as such). Of course, in real life, we do run into these entities (quarks, protons, souls, consciousness, supreme beings etc.) in a conventional manner. They are all conventionally real, but, from an ultimate perspective non-existent when one tries to find any underlying eternal essence within the entity.

In conclusion, it can be said that if the ultimate truth is beyond the ken of thought and expression and can only be experienced when one had transcended all of our conceptual fabrications, then the ultimate truth of phenomena lies within their impermanence and their emptiness of inherent essence. If the ultimate truth were so for all phenomena, then the relative truth for all phenomena is that they ineluctably appear through the interplay of association, dependence and interaction. Essentially, the truths behind emptiness and impermanence teach us that there is nothing absolute, deterministic or supreme about the reality we encounter. Instead, we find a relative, dependently associated, probabilistic and essentially incomplete picture of reality with space-time as the featureless backdrop onto which the drama of our contingent lives are projected.

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AVG 15.6

Chapter 15 (A Celebration of the Seekers Native Self): Verse 6 सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि । विज्ञाय निरहंकारो निर्ममस्त्वं सुख...