Chapter 2 (The Seekers Joy at Self-Cognizance): Verse 2
यथा प्रकाशयाम्येको देहमेनं तथा जगत् ।
अतो मम जगत्सर्वमथवा न च किंचन ॥ २-२॥
Just as I alone can affirm my body
by the senses, so too, the universe is
revealed by me - by dint of my senses.
Therefore, this entire universe is mine
or, certainly, nothing at all.
यथा प्रकाशयामि एकः देहम् एनम् तथा जगत् ।
yathā prakāśayāmi ekaḥ deham enam tathā jagat ।
अतः मम जगत् सर्वम् अथवा न च किञ्चन ॥ २-२॥
ataḥ mama jagat sarvam athavā na ca kiñcana ॥ 2-2॥
yathā (यथा) = just as
prakāśayāmi (प्रकाशयामि) = illuminate/bloom/(used here in the sense of affirm or to understand ones’s body)
ekaḥ (एकः) = alone/single
deham (देहम्) = body/corporeal manifestation having appearance
enam (एनम्) = this
tathā (तथा) = in that similar manner/hence
jagat (जगत्) = universe (also means earth, but in this context, the entire manifest universe is more appropriate)।
ataḥ (अतः) = therefore
mama (मम) = mine
jagat (जगत्) = universe
sarvam (सर्वम्) = all/complete
athavā (अथवा) = or/rather
na (न) = not
ca (च) = certainly (normally is translated to ‘and’, but, in this case the use is for emphasis as in ‘certainly’)
kiñcana (किञ्चन) = anything [as in nothing at all] ॥ 2-2॥
These are beautiful verses - very profound and richly overlayed with meaning. The overarching theme here is the understanding that our sense faculties have the power to fashion our perception of reality in so far as the evolutionary limits of our sense organs allow us to so perceive.
The self-model that is organically accreted within our minds over our formative years is an amalgam of our sense faculties, response to stimuli, bio-regulatory functions and learned behavior.
In the first line, Janaka tells us that it is by the means of this self-model that our bodies are illumined thus to us. The very same faculties that illumine our bodies to us are the same sense faculties by which the universe itself is understood by us. Accordingly, the universe is a product of our perceptions in much the same way as our bodies.
The second line talks about the implications of the assertion in the first line - the fact that the way we perceive the universe is our very own unique perspective; the phrase 'this universe is mine' makes that abundantly clear - 'mine' in so far as a 'construed-of-my-own-understanding' kind of universe. The very final section of this verse brings home the preponderant implications of the message in a succinct manner when it is understood by Janaka that the 'construed-of-my-own-understanding' universe is akin to an illusion that lacks any foundational permanency nor enduring essence. In this regard, from an ultimate perspective, the universe is as stated in the lines - 'nothing at all'.
Friday, October 25, 2019
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AVG 15.6
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