Chapter 4 (A seeker's perspective into the beauty of self-awareness): Verse 3
तज्ज्ञस्य पुण्यपापाभ्यां स्पर्शो ह्यन्तर्न जायते ।
न ह्याकाशस्य धूमेन दृश्यमानापि संगतिः ॥ ४-३॥
Even if one perceives them to be interlinked,
the nature of the skies above is not transformed
by the play of light or murk on lingering clouds or fog;
so too, the heart of the one who has known That*
is surely not touched by virtue, vice, decency or depravity.
तज्ज्ञस्य पुण्यपापाभ्याम् स्पर्शः हि अन्तः न जायते ।
tajjñasya puṇyapāpābhyām sparśaḥ hi antaḥ na jāyate ।
न हि आकाशस्य धूमेन दृश्यमाना अपि संगतिः ॥ ४-३॥
na hi ākāśasya dhūmena dṛśyamānā api saṃgatiḥ ॥ 4-3॥
tajjñasya (तज्ज्ञस्य) = of one who has known That/whosoever is in the know of That*
puṇyapāpābhyām (पुण्यपापाभ्याम्) = by decency and depravity/by virtue and vice (compound of puṇya (पुण्य) meaning 'good/excellence/merit' and pāpābhyām (पापाभ्याम्) meaning 'by vice/decay/iniquity')
sparśaḥ (स्पर्शः) = touch/contact
hi (हि) = indeed
antaḥ (अन्तः) = inside
na (न) = not
jāyate (जायते) = becomes possible/appears so।
na (न) = not
hi (हि) = just as
ākāśasya (आकाशस्य) = of the sky/of space/of the firmaments above
dhūmena (धूमेन) = with mist/cloud/smoke
dṛśyamānā (दृश्यमाना) = being perceived/appeared
api (अपि) = even
saṃgatiḥ (संगतिः) = coming together to connect/associated together ॥ 4-3॥
This verse employs a beautiful simile - just as elemental characteristics of the firmament above us remain the same despite the play of light on smoke, mist or fog that can occasionally pervade the skies, so too does the latent advantages or disadvantages associated with actions, emotions or objects not intrude upon the still mind of the one who is steeped within awareness.
In my thinking about these lines, Janaka seems to understand that the mind of a seeker experiences the world as a turmoil of inherently latent intentions, beliefs and concepts strengthened and modified by the impact of culture, indoctrination and social pressure. The overriding factors that guide the seekers present instinctual action is rarely a measured response to the present moment. Look around one's current cultural moment, and it does not take long to realize this slightly disheartening actuality.
The one who is aware is rarely so, as that one understands the impact and the effect of the latent impressions left on the psyche by the exposure to the milieu of our name-and-form based lives and accordingly looks to the present moment choicelessly and impartially for what the present has to offer; thus, not impacted nor buffeted by the dualities of virtue or vice, decency or depravity. They use their past experience as a guide but never as a blueprint whose results are purpose-driven (in contrast to the standard societal archetypes that unconsciously propel the beginning seekers mind making the resultant actions rote, preference-driven and somewhat perfunctorily obvious).
*The reference to That can be connoted to the freedom and the sense of liberty realized from being within a state of complete awareness of the present where unpremeditated observance without preference, effort, or compulsion is the default state of mind. Such a state of mind follows from a wellspring of awareness emanating from within the individual without the need to follow nor practice any specific doctrine, discipline, teacher, guru, or authority. A meditative state where one is completely unfettered of the influence of ones thoughts is a way to realize such a state.
Monday, January 6, 2020
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AVG 15.6
Chapter 15 (A Celebration of the Seekers Native Self): Verse 6 सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि । विज्ञाय निरहंकारो निर्ममस्त्वं सुख...
Chapter 6 (Patterns that point to a peerless awareness) Verse 2 महोदधिरिवाहं स प्रपञ्चो वीचिसन्निभः । इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य न त्यागो न ग्रहो लय...
Chapter 7 (The Seekers sense of Awareness) Verse 1 जनक उवाच ॥ मय्यनन्तमहाम्भोधौ विश्वपोत इतस्ततः । भ्रमति स्वान्तवातेन न ममास्त्यसहिष्णुता ॥...
Chapter 3 (Challenging The Seekers Understanding): Verse 12 निःस्पृहं मानसं यस्य नैराश्येऽपि महात्मनः । तस्यात्मज्ञ्नानतृप्तस्य तुलना केन जा...
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