Chapter 9 (On Detachment and Equanimity) Verse 7
पश्य भूतविकारांस्त्वं भूतमात्रान् यथार्थतः ।
तत्क्षणाद्बन्धनिर्मुक्तः स्वरूपस्थो भविष्यसि ॥ ९-७॥
Look upon the modification of our senses
as nothing other than a transmutation of the
primary elements: earth, water, fire, air and space.
Understanding this, may you be absolved of
attachment and bondage and thusly abide
within your own innate awareness.
पश्य भूतविकारान् त्वम् भूतमात्रान् यथार्थतः ।
paśya bhūtavikārān tvam bhūtamātrān yathārthataḥ ।
तत्क्षणात् बन्धनिर्मुक्तः स्वरूपस्थः भविष्यसि ॥ ९-७॥
tatkṣaṇāt bandhanirmuktaḥ svarūpasthaḥ bhaviṣyasi ॥ 9-7॥
paśya (पश्य) = upon observing/upon witnessing
bhūtavikārān (भूतविकारान्) = modification of the elements (compound of bhūta (भूत) meaning 'elements' and vikārān (विकारान्) meaning 'modification/change')
tvam (त्वम्) = you
bhūtamātrān (भूतमात्रान्) = nothing but the principal elements (compound of bhūta (भूत) meaning 'elements' and mātrān (मात्रान्) meaning 'primary/just/only/principal')
yathārthataḥ (यथार्थतः) = in reality ।
tatkṣaṇāt (तत्क्षणात्) = from that point onward (compound of tat (तत्) meaning 'that' and kṣaṇāt (क्षणात्) meaning 'from that point')
bandhanirmuktaḥ (बन्धनिर्मुक्तः) = free from attachment (compound of bandha (बन्ध) meaning 'attachment/bondage/clinging' and nirmuktaḥ (निर्मुक्तः) meaning 'absolved from/free of')
svarūpasthaḥ (स्वरूपस्थः) = enduring within one’s own nature/abiding within ones innate awareness
bhaviṣyasi (भविष्यसि) = you will be/you will become॥ 9-7॥
For a verse purported to be written 2000 years back (or, as some historians date this text to about 800 years), the prescient nature of this particular verse is nevertheless resoundingly loud - the fundamental import being that all of the energy in the universe is neither created nor destroyed but instead flows cyclically through various ecosystems. The ecosystems themselves forged within the hearts of stars millions and billions of years ago going through a continuous process of recycling that currently manifests (amongst many other things) as our bodies, and, in due course, result in the formation of various other systems - sentient or otherwise).
One does not have to look too far amongst grand systems like planetary formations or galaxies or galactic clusters to see this cycle in operation - one can look to understand this verse within the context of the planet we collectively share to better appreciate the deep import of these verses.
We see that the energy that we obtain flows directionally - flowing from the sun sustaining the earth and exiting as heat emanating from the various biogeochemical dependent systems on the earth. Intertwined within this glorious flow of energy are the individual elemental components that make up sentient beings on the earth - elemental components that are recycled - the atoms that compose you and I are not brand new - they have been cycling through the biosphere for eons and they have formed bits and parts of various other living organisms and non-living entities over the millennia.
In order to appreciate the elemental cycles, one need not grasp the full panoply of the periodic table of 120+ elements - instead, one only needs to look to the six most common elements that compose the organic molecules that dependently create living, breathing compassionate structures like you and I - carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur - these take a variety of chemical forms. Carbon created within the hearts of stars is found within all organic molecules, nitrogen and phosphorus created within stars is an essential component of RNA and DNA found inside every one of our cells, oxygen and hydrogen created within stars combine to form water and constitute 60% of our body mass and finally sulfur created within stars forms an essential component of every protein that gives form and shape to our corporeal forms.
It is important to understand that each of these cycles are dependent cycles propped up by various other dependent causes and conditions that allow for the harmonious flow of energy that give life to the biotic world and also give form and structure to the abiotic world.
Understanding the dependent nature of the various cycles that give us sustenance while simultaneously discerning that there cannot exist a scenario where any one of these processes, elements or cycles can stand by itself devoid of dependencies allows for the mind to find a measure of quietude and stillness. Ashtavakra mentions that this knowledge and a deep appreciation of the same allows the seeker to realize that they are not bound, but instead participating every second of the present moment within this grand elemental cycle.
Friday, January 31, 2020
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AVG 15.6
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