Chapter 5 (Pathways to dissolving the self) Verse 4
समदुःखसुखः पूर्ण आशानैराश्ययोः समः ।
समजीवितमृत्युः सन्नेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥ ५-४॥
You are tranquil and equanimous
in adversity and extravagance,
in aspiration and despondency,
and in being alive or ceasing to be.
Clarified thus, realize the path to dissolution.
समदुःखसुखः पूर्णः आशानैराश्ययोः समः ।
samaduḥkhasukhaḥ pūrṇaḥ āśānairāśyayoḥ samaḥ ।
समजीवितमृत्युः सन् एवम् एव लयम् व्रज ॥ ५-४॥
samajīvitamṛtyuḥ san evam eva layam vraja ॥ 5-4॥
samaduḥkhasukhaḥ (समदुःखसुखः) = to whom suffering and pleasure are the same (compound of sama (सम) meaning 'same/similar' and duḥkha (दुःख) meaning 'suffering/misery/adversity' and sukhaḥ (सुखः) meaning 'amenity/happiness/luxury')
pūrṇaḥ (पूर्णः) = complete/perfect
āśānairāśyayoḥ (आशानैराश्ययोः) = in hope and in despondency (compound of āśā (आशा) meaning 'hope/aspiration' and nairāśyayoḥ (नैराश्ययोः) meaning 'despair/misery')
samaḥ (समः) = same/similar।
samajīvitamṛtyuḥ (समजीवितमृत्युः) = to whom life and death are the same (compound of sama (सम) meaning 'same' and jīvita (जीवित) meaning 'life' and mṛtyuḥ (मृत्युः) meaning 'death/cessation')
san (सन्) = being
evam (evam) = thus
eva (एव) = surely
layam (लयम्) = dissolution/disintegration (awareness results from such a state of dissolution)
vraja (व्रज) = attain ॥ 5-4॥
The main theme in this chapter's final verse is the theme of equanimity. Equanimity construed as a state of mental stability and psychological composure which is undisturbed by subjective or objective experience of phenomena or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena - similar exposure to which may cause those without this lucid quality to lose the subjective balance and emotional equilibrium. The ancients described a mind filled with equanimity as “abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility, and without ill-will.” In this sense, the equanimity that Ashtavakra talks about here can come about in two progressive steps - the first of which being the equanimity that emanates from the individual from choiceless examination of events and impartial consideration of actions - the ability to see and examine without being enveloped and engulfed by what we observe and consider, and yet, being able to do so with clarified understanding and straightforward compassion. This leads to a sense of peace and harmony within the seeker.
In addition, a heightened sense of equanimity results from the mentality of moderation that is honed as a result of examining and living life within the framework outlined in the previous step. An ability to tread a middle path and being centered within the bands of moderation of whatever is happening around oneself without allowing oneself to be pulled away to the extremes that many inhabit under acute duress or extreme elation. It is important to note that the sense of balance that must be maintained during this search for equanimity is also important as one does not want to substitute nor identify aloofness or complacency or indifference to phenomena with equanimity.
Monday, January 13, 2020
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AVG 15.6
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