Chapter 6 (Patterns that point to a peerless awareness) Verse 4
अहं वा सर्वभूतेषु सर्वभूतान्यथो मयि ।
इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य न त्यागो न ग्रहो लयः ॥ ६-४॥
I am indeed in all sentient beings
and all sentient beings are within me.
This is pure nonpareil awareness and
on realization, this phenomenal world needs
neither abdication nor acceptance nor negation.
अहम् वा सर्वभूतेषु सर्वभूतानि अथो मयि ।
aham vā sarvabhūteṣu sarvabhūtāni atho mayi ।
इति ज्ञानम् तथा एतस्य न त्यागः न ग्रहः लयः ॥ ६-१॥
iti jñānam tathā etasya na tyāgaḥ na grahaḥ layaḥ ॥ 6-4॥
aham (अहम्) = I
vā (वा) = indeed
sarvabhūteṣu (सर्वभूतेषु) = in all sentient beings
sarvabhūtāni (सर्वभूतानि) = all sentient beings
atho (अथो) = also
mayi (मयि) = in me ।
iti (इति) = this
jñānam (ज्ञानम्) = knowledge/awareness
tathā (तथा) = so
etasya (एतस्य) = of this (as in 'of this phenomenal world')
na (न) = not
tyāgaḥ (त्यागः) = renouncement/abdication/surrender (please refer to 6-1 for context)
na (न) = not
grahaḥ (ग्रहः) = recognition/acceptance (please refer to 6-1 for context)
layaḥ (लयः) = dissolved/negated (please refer to 6-1 for context) ॥ 6-4॥
This last verse in this chapter is one of pure beauty - Ashtavakra eloquently talks about the flow of awareness that is shared between all creatures that participate in the grand process of life. Pure awareness or a biological state in which the flow of consciousness is characterized by the complete absorption in the activity that the sentient being chooses to undertake and the resultant transformation in the flow of time where the temporal patterns tend to cease is the essential but, overlooked nature of every sentient being - a cheetah running after her prey or a dog contentedly resting after a good meal or a gymnast doing her floor routines gracefully or an individual in a meditative state - all of these activities merge action and awareness without the intrusion of any form of reflective self-awareness resulting in a mental state so merged with experience, that all other needs become negligible. The cheetah, the dog, the individual and the gymnast have their own distinct subjective forms of such an experience in this state of pure awareness. Such a state of awareness is not limited just to human life forms. The universal or non-anthropocentric aspect of just such an awareness is the best common denominator upon which a sustainable relationship between diverse life forms can be based and the single common sentiment that binds various life-forms - Ashtavakra eloquently and succinctly states this sentiment simply by stating that "I am indeed in all sentient beings and all sentient beings are within me". It simply means that as humans, we are aware, awake; in a similar manner, other sentient life forms (whether terrestrial or extra-terrestrial) are aware and awake in their own subjective realities.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
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AVG 15.6
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