Chapter 7 (The Seekers sense of Awareness) Verse 2
मय्यनंतमहाम्भोधौ जगद्वीचिः स्वभावतः ।
उदेतु वास्तमायातु न मे वृद्धिर्न च क्षतिः ॥ ७-२॥
In me, as in an unlimited ocean,
let the waves of name-and-form
of this phenomenal world materialize;
or, dissolve of its own intuitive nature.
I do not advance nor diminish thereby.
मयि अनन्तमहाम्भोधौ जगद्वीचिः स्वभावतः ।
mayi anantamahāmbhodhau jagadvīciḥ svabhāvataḥ ।
उदेतु वा अस्तम् आयातु न मे वृद्धिः न च क्षतिः ॥ ७-२॥
udetu vā astam āyātu na me vṛddhiḥ na ca kṣatiḥ ॥ 7-2॥
mayi (मयि) = in me
anantamahāmbhodhau (अनन्तमहाम्भोधौ) = in the grand ocean that has no limits
jagadvīciḥ (जगद्वीचिः) = the waves of the world (compound of jagat (जगत्) meaning 'world' and viciḥ (विचिः) meaning 'waves/ripples')
svabhāvataḥ (स्वभावतः) = of itself/of its own volition/intuitive nature।
udetu (उदेतु) = may arise/may emerge
vā (वा) = or
astam (अस्तम्) = cease/decline/dissolve
āyātu (आयातु) = may attain/may come to
na (न) = not
me (मे) = my
vṛddhiḥ (वृद्धिः) = increase/advance/heighten/intensify
na (न) = not
ca (च) = and
kṣatiḥ (क्षतिः) =abate/decrease/diminish ॥ 7-2॥
The metaphor of a rolling wave (equated to conditioned experience) and the ocean (boundless awareness) is exquisite in this verse; an individual wave in the ocean cannot seek nor control the manner and movements of the ocean; the wave breaks and crashes upon the land in cadence to the rhythms of various dynamic factors and dependent conditions of the ocean. The actual movement of the waves themselves may be compared to the flow of events that one witnesses. In this sense, there is no choice nor control within the flow of the wave as the wave is dependent upon considerations as diverse as the slope of the land that the wave breaks, the wind speed, the temperature of the ocean and myriad other dependent causal conditions for the wave to 'roll' on. Janaka informs that in the unlimited ocean of awareness, even if the waves (conditioned experience) materialize or dissipate from the phenomenal world of name-and-form of their own accord, the understanding that the ocean (awareness) neither advances nor diminishes is key. The ocean itself is without partitions, therefore there cannot be any ' good' waves or 'bad' waves. In this sense, there are very few positive or negative experiences. It is the conditioned mind that makes a wave 'positive' or 'negative'; without the conditioning, the subjective and opinionated aspects that we unconsciously accord to our experiences fall away. We are that ocean and that ocean is us.
Friday, January 17, 2020
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AVG 15.6
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